
Zozobra, AKA Old Man Gloom, is a spectral effigy created by Santa Fe, New Mexico artist
Will Shuster ln 1924. This gloomy monster arises annually from the sorrows, anxieties,
and grief humankind causes itself. Every autumn, the community gathers together at 
summer's end to defeat the dark and dismol spell that Zozobra casts over the city.

The collectve goodwill of the people summons the Fire Spirit who battles Zozobra,
ultimately vanquishing him with fire until the next year, when once again, human
failings call the monster forth. 

Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the U.S. and continues to live up to Its 
international designation as America's first UNESCO Creative City, thanks to Its rich
culture and history, Pueblo-inspired architecture, commitment to the arts, world-class
cuisine, mountainous landscapes, and dozens of festive contemporary and traditional

Recognized as one of America's most culturally diverse cities, Albuquerque, New Mexico's
ethnic tapestry is reflected in its distinctive history, exceptional cultural centers
and educational initiatives, vibrant entertainment, outdoor activities, and unique events. 

Balloon Facts:  Zozobra:  height 135 feet, wegiht 800 pounds, 139,000 cu. ft.

Owner: Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, New Mexico USA 

Breezy Rider Launch


Tom, The Pilot of Breezy Rider

Tom, The Pilot of Breezy Rider

Tom, The Pilot of Breezy Rider

Tom, The Pilot of Breezy Rider

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